11 September, 2023
HFI på ERSA-konferens

Ett stort gäng från HFI deltog på den 62:a ERSA-konferensen i slutet av augusti. Konferensen ägde rum i Alicante, Spanien. Här kan man läsa mer om konferensen. ERSA står för European Regional Science Association.
Under konferensen presenterades så många som åtta papper från HFI:
1. Oana Mihaescu – The effect of pedestrianization on the attractiveness of the urban space: A difference-indifference-type estimation approach
2. Oana Mihaescu, Kristina Nyström – The impact of large firm closures on the economic performance and the attractiveness of the exit regions: A difference-in-difference approach
3. Niklas Elert, Anders Bornhäll, Hans Seerar Westerberg – Economic chocks: Do entrepreneurship and innovation make local economies more resilient?
4. Niklas Rudholm – Online pricing and market volatility in seven national markets: Evidence from a price comparison website (medforfattad med Kenneth Carling och Charlie Lindgren)
5. Helena Nilsson – Pedestrianization – Effects on the size of local retail and hospitality sectors in Swedish cities
6. Özge Öner – The Dynamics of Retail Colocation Using geo-coded data for Swedish retail markets (medforfattad med Viroj Jienwatcharamongkhol, Johan P Larsson)
7. Johan Klaesson – Job Polarization and the Urban Wage Premium (medforfattad med Lina Bjerke)
8. Johan Klaesson – Entrepreneurial paths to successful labor market integration: The role of socioeconomic segregation and ethnic enclaves (medforfattad med Sofia Wixe)