Working papers
För att kunna publiceras som ett HFI Working Paper ska artikeln skrivas på engelska, vara avsedd för publicering i en internationell vetenskaplig tidskrift och ha granskats både internt och externt. Working papers fram till och med 2018 publicerades som HUI Working papers och finns att ladda ner från S-WoPEc.
HFI Working paper no 40
Employment effects of payroll tax reforms: Evidence from Swedish service industries
Niklas Elert, Niklas Rudholm & Hans Westerberg
HFI Working paper no 39
Who really sets your wage? A literature review on the empirical evidence for labor market monopoly and monopsony
Niklas Elert, Niklas Rudholm & Hans Westerberg
HFI Working paper no 38
Incentivizing innovative entrepreneurship in quasi-markets: theory and evidence from Sweden’s schools and nursing homes
Niklas Elert & Magnus Henrekson
HFI Working paper no 37
Minimizing travel distance and CO2 emissions when reconfiguring retail store networks
Kenneth Carling, Vijay Paidi & Niklas Rudholm
HFI Working paper no 36
On deploying eCOmpass: a decision support tool for environmentally friendly retail locations
Kenneth Carling, Vijay Paidi & Niklas Rudholm
HFI Working paper no 35
Market Integration in Nordic Online Retail Markets: Do Cross-border Transaction Costs Still Matter?
Kenneth Carling, Charlie Lindgren & Niklas Rudholm
HFI Working paper no 34
Brownfield Redevelopment and the Investment Decision Process in the Aftermath of Large Plant Closures
Kristina Nyström & Oana Mihaescu
HFI Working paper no 33
Native Population Turnover & Emerging Segregation: The Role of Amenities, Crime and Housing
Martin Korpi, Daniel Halvarsson, Özge Öner, William A.V. Clark, Oana Mihaescu, John Östh & Olof Bäckman
HFI Working paper no 32
Do Exporters Import Gender Inequality?
Olga Lark & Josefin Videnord