Vetenskapliga Publikationer
Den forskning som bedrivs vid HFI är avsedd för publicering i välrenommerade internationella vetenskapliga tidskrifter. Våra studier har exempelvis publicerats i Journal of Health Economics, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Public Choice, Review of Industrial Organization och Small Business Economics.
Niklas Elert, Dan Johansson, Mikael Stenkula & Niklas Wykman
The evolution of owner-entrepreneurs’ taxation: five tax regimes over a 160-year period
Journal of Evolutionary Economics
Charlotta Mellander, Johan Klaesson, Jose Lobe & Sofia Wixe
COVID-19 vaccination rates and neighbourhoods: evidence from Sweden
Regional Studies
Johan Klaesson, José Lobo & Charlotta Mellander
Social interactions and COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy: evidence from a full population study in Sweden
Ebba Henrekson & Fredrik Andersson
Facing newness and smallness: a multiple case study of nonprofits creating schools
Schools. Journal of Public and Nonprofit Affairs
Hans Seerar Westerberg
Are payroll tax cuts absorbed by insiders? Evidence from the Swedish retail industry
Applied Economics
Ebba Henrekson
The continuation of perceived deviance: independent confessional schools in Sweden
British Journal of Religious Education
Daniel Halvarsson, Olga Lark, Patrik Gustavsson Tingvall, Priit Vahter & Josefin Videnord
Do gender norms travel within corporations? The impact of foreign subsidiaries on the home country’s gender wage gap
Applied Financial Economic Letters
Johan Klaesson & Sofia Wixe
Place and immigrant labour market integration: a sequence analysis approach
European Urban and Regional Article Studies
Niklas Elert & Mikael Stenkula
Intrapreneurship: productive and non-productive
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 46(5): 1423-1439
Helena Nilsson
Population decline and changes in food store proximity
Regional Studies
Asif M. Huq, Fredrik Hartvig & Niklas Rudholm
Do audited firms have a lower cost of debt?
International Journal of Disclosure and Governance
Niklas Rudholm, Kenneth Carling & Yujiao Li
How does big-box entry affect labor productivity in durable goods retailing? A synthetic control approach
The Annals of Regional Science
Sven-Olov Daunfeldt, Oana Mihaescu & Niklas Rudholm
The decline of small cities: increased competition from external shopping malls or long-term negative trends?
International Regional Science Review, 45(2)
Rachel S. Franklin, Elizabeth C. Delmelle, Clio Andris, Tao Cheng, Somayeh Dodge, Janet Franklin, Alison Heppenstall, Mei-Po Kwan, WenWen Li, Sara McLafferty, Jennifer A. Miller, Darla K. Munroe, Trisalyn Nelson, Özge Öner, Denise Pumain, Kathleen Stewart, Daoqin Tong & Elizabeth A. Wentz
Making space in geographical analysis
Geographical Analysis
Tuzin Baycan & Özge Öner
The dark side of social capital: a contextual perspective
The Annals of Regional Science 1-20.
Alex Coad, Sven-Olov Daunfeldt & Daniel Halvarsson
Amundsen versus Scott: are growth paths related to firm performance?
Small Business Economics
Sven-Olov Daunfeldt, Jasmine Moradi, Niklas Rudholm & Christine Öberg.
Effects on sales of employees’ opportunities to influence in-store music: evidence from a field experiment
Journal of Retail and Consumer Services
Tobias Otterbring & Kristian Rolschau
Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder but rarely because of the beer
Personality and Individual Differences, 179, 110921
Tobias Otterbring
Peer presence promotes popular choices: a “spicy” field study on social influence and brand choice
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 61
Sylvie Borau, Tobias Otterbring, Sandra Laporte & Samuel Fosso Wamba
The most human bot: female gendering increases humanness perceptions of bots and acceptance of AI
Psychology & Marketing, 38(7): 1052-1068
Sven-Olov Daunfeldt, Anton Gidehag & Niklas Rudholm
How do firms respond to reduced labor costs? Evidence from the 2007 Swedish payroll tax reform
Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 21: 315-338
Daunfeldt, Sven-olov, Oana Mihaescu, Niklas Rudholm, & Özge Öner
Retail and place attractiveness: the effects of big-box entry on property value
Geographical Analysis, 53: 467–498
Charlie Lindgren, Sven-Olov Daunfeldt, Niklas Rudholm & Siril Yella
Is Intertemporal price discrimination the cause of price dispersion in markets with low search costs?
Applied Economic Letters, 28(11): 968-971
Asif M. Huq, Sven-Olov Daunfeldt, Fredrik Hartwig, & Niklas Rudholm
Free to choose: do voluntary audit reforms increase employment growth?
International Journal of the Economics of Business, 28(1): 163-178
Sven-Olov Daunfeldt & Hans Seerar Westerberg
High-growth firms and the labor market entry of first-generation immigrants
International Review of Entrepreneurship, 18(2): 181-202
Oana Mihaescu & Niklas Rudholm
How does big-box retail entry affect incumbents in the hospitality industry: evidence from a natural experiment.
Review of Regional Studies, 50(2): 207-229
Sven-Olov Daunfeldt, Dan Johansson & Hans Seerar Westerberg
Which firms provide jobs for unemployed non-western immigrants?
The Service Industries Journal, 39(9-10), 762-778
Sven-Olov Daunfeldt, Oana Mihaescu, Helena Nilsson & Niklas Rudholm
Spillover effects when IKEA enters: do incumbent retailers win or lose?
Papers in Regional Science 98(6): 2295-2313
Yujiao Li, Johan Håkansson, Oana Mihaescu & Niklas Rudholm
Agglomeration economies in urban retailing: are there productivity spillovers when big-box retailers enter urban markets?
Applied Financial Economic Letters 26(19): 1586-1589
Johan Håkansson, Yujiao Li, Oana Mihaescuca & Niklas Rudholm
Big-box retail entry in urban and rural areas: are there productivity spillovers to incumbent retailers?
International Journal of Retail, Distribution, and Consumer Research 29(1): 23-45
Fredrik Andersson, Dan Johansson, Johan Karlsson, Magnus Lodefalk & Andreas Poldahl
Female top management in family firms and non-family firms: evidence from total population data
International Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 35(3), 303-326
Fredrik Andersson, Dan Johansson, Johan Karlsson, Magnus Lodefalk & Andreas Poldahl
The characteristics of family firms: exploiting information on ownership, kinship, and governance using total population data
Small Business Economics, 1-18
Alex Coad, Sven-Olov Daunfeldt & Daniel Halvarsson
Bursting into life: firm growth and growth persistence by age
Small Business Economics, 50(1), 55-75
Dick Durevall
Cost pass-through in the Swedish coffee market
European Review of Agricultural Economics, 45(4), 505-529
Mengjie Han, Oana Mihaescu, Yujiao Li & Niklas Rudholm
Comparison and one-stop shopping after big-box retail entry: a spatial difference-in-difference analysis
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 40:175-187
Rainer vom Hofe, Oana Mihaescu & Mary Lynne Boorn
Are homeowners willing to pay more for access to parks? Evidence from a spatial hedonic study of the Cincinnati, Ohio, USA park system
Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy, 48(3)
Sven-Olov Daunfeldt, Alexander McKelvie & Hans Seerar Westerberg
Whom do growing firms hire? A longitudinal examination of new ventures across growth rates and phases
Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, 37(8), 184-190
Mats A. Bergman, David Granlund & Niklas Rudholm
Squeezing the last drop out of your suppliers: an empirical study of market-based purchasing policies for generic pharmaceuticals
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 76, 969-996
Anders Bornhäll, Sven-Olov Daunfeldt & Niklas Rudholm
Do employment protection legislation prevent firm growth? Evidence from a natural experiment
Industrial and Corporate Change, 26(1), 169-185
Kenneth Carling, Johan Håkansson, Xiangli Meng & Niklas Rudholm
The effects of taxing truck distance on CO2 emissions from transports in retailing
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 97, 47-54
Sven-Olov Daunfeldt, Oana Mihaescu, Helena Nilsson & Niklas Rudholm
What happens when IKEA comes to town?
Regional Studies 51(2): 313-323
Anton Gidehag & Magnus Lodefalk
Recruiting for small business growth: micro-level evidence
International Review of Entrepreneurship, 15(2), 151-174
Dan Johansson & Arvid Malm
Economics doctoral programs still elide entrepreneurship
Econ Journal Watch, 14(2): 196–217
Oana Mihaescu & Niklas Rudholm
Defining relevant product markets for pharmaceuticals
Bulletin of Economic Research, 69(4), E126-E149
Niclas Berggren, Sven-Olov Daunfeldt & Jörgen Hellström
Does social trust speed up economic reforms? The case of central-bank independence
Journal of Institutional Economics, 12(2), 395–415
Mats A. Bergman, David Granlund & Niklas Rudholm
Reforming the Swedish pharmaceuticals market – consequences for costs per defined daily dose
International Journal of Health Economics and Management, 16, 201-214
Anders Bornhäll, Dan Johansson & Johanna Palmberg
The capital constraint paradox in micro and small family and nonfamily firms
Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy, 5(1), 38–62
Anders Bornhäll, Sven-Olov Daunfeldt & Niklas Rudholm
Sleeping Gazelles: high profits but no growth
Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, 34, 1-16
Sven-Olov Daunfeldt, Niklas Elert & Dan Johansson
Are high-growth firms overrepresented in high-tech Industries? Evidence from Sweden
Industrial and Corporate Change, 25(1), 1-25
Sven-Olov Daunfeldt, Daniel Halvarsson & Oana Mihaescu
High-growth firms: not so vital after all?
International Review of Entrepreneurship, 14(4), 377-394
Stefan Fölster, Li Jansson & Anton Gidehag
The effect of local business climate on employment
Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy, 5(1), 2-24